Home Heating & Cooling Saving Tips

Whether winter or summer, there are easy things you can do throughout the year to help keep your heating and cooling system in tip-top shape.

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  • Install a programmable thermostat and set it to accurately follow your schedule. For details, follow these  Proper Use Guidelines
  • Recycle your old mercury switch thermostat when installing a programmable thermostat.  Thermostat Recycling Corporation (TRC) is a non-profit organization that can help properly dispose of your old thermostat at no cost to you.
  • Schedule a yearly tune-up of your heating and cooling system with a licensed contractor to keep your system running efficiently and save money.  Find a Licensed Contractor
  • Change or clean your air filter regularly. Check your filter every month, especially during heavy use months (winter and summer). If the filter looks dirty after a month, change it. At a minimum, change or clean the filter every three months. A dirty filter will slow down air flow and make the system work harder to keep you warm or cool—wasting energy.
General HVAC Tips Main
  • Cut heating bills by as much as 10 percent per year by turning your thermostat back 10 to 15 percent for eight hours per day.
  • Kitchens are particularly vulnerable to excessive warming, especially from the extra heat generated by cooking. Adjust the kitchen vents, if you have them, until the room is comfortable.
  • Try adjusting upstairs vents in a two-story home to counter the effect of warm air rising from the first floor.
  • During the summer, adjust the temperature 1°-2°F per week to a higher setting, allowing your body to adjust to the new temperature. Raising the temperature just a couple of degrees can cut your cooling costs by as much as five percent. Start by setting your air conditioner thermostat to 78°F or higher - health permitting - when you're at home.
Cooling Tips Main
  • Consider installing high-efficiency natural gas fireplace inserts or freestanding stoves. If your fireplace doesn't have glass doors, consider having a set installed to help keep warm air in the house. NOTE: Fireplaces with glass doors require proper venting.
  • When not in use, close fireplace dampers, if possible.