On September 5, 2024, Southwest Gas filed its Test Year 2026 General Rate Case, for new rates effective January 1, 2026.
On November 18, 2022, Southwest Gas filed for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Extend Its Service Area in Unincorporated Area of San Bernardino County, California to Provide Natural Gas Service to the National Training Center at Fort Irwin.
Application 22-11-019
The Move2Zero Program is a voluntary program that provides eligible California customers the opportunity to offset combustion related GHG emissions associated with their natural gas usage through the purchase and retirement of certified carbon offset credits.
Application 22-02-014 – Prepared Direct Testimony (Annibali)
Application 22-02-014 – Prepared Direct Testimony (Ontiveroz)
Application 19-04-022 – Prepared Direct Testimony (Pierce)
Application 19-04-022 – Prepared Direct Testimony (Cunningham)
In December 2019, the CPUC implemented an Incentive Reservation System for the Biomethane Injection Monetary Incentive Program (BIMIP) established in Decision 15-06-029. The BIMIP provides up to $3 million for non-dairy clusters and $5 million for dairy clusters that successfully interconnect with the natural gas pipeline system and operate by December 31, 2026. The Incentive Reservation System allows project developers to reserve incentive funds during the development phase of a project and receive the funds once the project is interconnected and operating. Applications for the Incentive Reservation System are designed to ensure that only viable projects can secure a spot on the reservation list.